Gizmodo : Environment

In some parts of the country (mainly the hot, humid parts), humanity’s relationship with the friendly insect known as the mosquito can be quite contentious. Not only do these wonderful little pests swarm you, suck your blood, and leave unattractive splotches all over your skin, but they’re also known to transport many…



Researchers are developing an mRNA-based vaccine against the contagious H5N1 bird flu virus that is spreading rapidly among poultry and cattle and has already infected two humans in the United States.



Measles has made an unwelcome return to the U.S., with dozens of children across multiple states having caught the highly contagious viral disease so far this year. There are several reasons why measles has become a larger problem both here and worldwide as of late, but there’s one commonly speculated suspect for its…



DNA from ancient humans is providing some vital clues about the emergence of multiple sclerosis and other devastating neurodegenerative conditions. In a series of new research papers out this week, scientists detail evidence that many genetic variants linked to MS first began to spread globally about 5,000 years ago,…


Gizmodo : Environment

An unusual surge of respiratory illness has been plaguing China in recent months, with increased cases of pneumonia affecting children in particular. Despite some early confusion, however, local health officials say these cases are not being caused by a novel germ. Instead, the surge is likely tied to a mix of known…



Viruses are somehow even weirder than we thought. In a recent study published last month, scientists say they’ve discovered two new viruses that hijack the machinery of other bacteria-infecting viruses in order to replicate themselves. One of these vampiric viruses even acts the part, appearing to “bite” and latch…


Gizmodo : Environment

One animal’s poo might be another person’s treasure. Scientists in the UK say they’ve discovered viruses that could be turned into a weapon against bacterial superbugs in a perhaps unexpected place: the feces of several endangered species at a nearby zoo. The team believes these viruses could be especially effective…


Gizmodo : Environment

The aftermath of a tropical storm can bring along some nasty waterborne germs, a recent study from Columbia University researchers found. The study shows that tropical cyclones in the U.S. over the past two decades have been linked to an increase in several infectious diseases afterward, including Legionnaires’…