Gizmodo : Environment

A paramount rule of the animal kingdom is not to be seen unless you want to be. It goes for predators as much as prey: going unnoticed means surviving longer, either because it allows you to catch food or keeps you from becoming it. Here are some of the more creative ways that natural selection has produced effective…


Gizmodo : Environment

Astronomers found a new moon orbiting Uranus, as well as two around Neptune. The tiny satellites appeared as faint specks in the outer reaches of the solar system following hours of ground-based observations.


Gizmodo : Environment

Many Star Wars fans probably thought they were dreaming when the European Space Agency published images of what looked like a TIE starfighter in space. Alas, it wasn’t the Empire, but rather glimpses of a decades-old Earth observation satellite making its return home.

Gizmodo : Environment

While journeying through the far reaches of the solar system, the New Horizons probe picked up a dusty trail of icy fragments that may indicate that the Kuiper Belt—home to former planet Pluto and countless other objects—is way bigger than we thought.


Gizmodo : Environment

Delta Airlines is offering a special flightpath that will put its passengers right in the heart of the upcoming total solar eclipse in April, scheduled to coincide with the peak of the rare event.


Gizmodo : Environment

Saving a wet iPhone by putting it in a bowl or bag of uncooked rice has been a popular go-to rescue method for years, with the logic being that the rice absorbs the excess water from the phone. However, the God of iPhones has recently warned poor mortals against resorting to rice in these situations, saying it could…


Gizmodo : Environment

In our top science stories this week, SpaceX must deorbit 100 Starlink satellites due to a flaw; a person in Oregon caught the bubonic plague from their pet cat; and the Perseverance rover’s SHERLOC instrument is on the fritz. Oh, and a grotesque AI interpretation of rat genitalia somehow made it past peer review.


Gizmodo : Environment

NASA is looking for volunteers willing to be trapped inside a simulated Martian environment that’s roughly the size of a two-bedroom apartment for a full year.


Gizmodo : Environment

Florida has been playing host to an emerging version of the dengue virus, new research shows. The study found that the state has experienced an “unprecedented” number of cases caused by dengue virus serotype 3 over the past two years, including locally acquired cases. Outbreaks have remained relatively small and…


Gizmodo : Environment

After eight years of experimenting with flames in space, NASA lit a fire inside a cargo spacecraft for the last time and sent its Saffire experiment toward a burning reentry into Earth’s atmosphere.