
Details surrounding the death of John Barnett, a corporate whistleblower who was in the midst of suing aviation giant Boeing when he was found dead in a parking lot earlier this year, have finally been revealed.


In the latest disturbing twist to the Boeing saga, the company admitted to falsifying records related to the inspection of its 787 Dreamliner plane. The company publicly disclosed this after news broke of yet another federal investigation into the company.


Another whistleblower who raised safety concerns about production practices related to Boeing has died.


The number of laser strikes against planes hit another record last month, according to new data obtained by Gizmodo. And the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) would like Americans to get the message that it’s not just dangerous for people on the ground to shine lasers into the cockpits of passing aircraft, it’s…


Ever since a passenger plane’s door blew off in early January, plane-maker Boeing has been under increased scrutiny. Now, a new report from the Federal Aviation Administration calls into question the aircraft manufacturer’s safety procedures, calling them “inadequate.”


After causing a stir by mysteriously grounding its new Airbus A321neo planes on Monday, United Airlines wants people to know the decision has nothing to do with safety and isn’t even that exciting.


A terrifying new report from the New York Times claims that “near collisions” involving commercial airliners are basically a weekly occurrence in America.

Tech Insider : Travel
Delta and American.
FAA issues safety warning to airlines after six near-accidents at airports occurred since the start of 2023.
Tech Insider : Travel
A Delta plane aborted a takeoff at JFK Friday night.
The FAA is creating a safety review committee to assess airline safety after recent near-disasters in New York, Austin, and Hawaii.