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Ed Yardeni, President and Chief Investment Strategist of Yardeni Research, in an interview on April 30, 2015 --
Ed Yardeni, president and chief investment strategist of Yardeni Research, on April 30, 2015
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Credit Suisse
Some of the world's biggest bond investors have suffered massive losses after Credit Suisse imploded.
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Credit Suisse logo
The Swiss regulator wrote the value of Credit Suisse's AT1 bonds down to zero as part of UBS's takeover deal Sunday.
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elon musk
Moody's upgraded its rating for Tesla bonds Monday.
Tech Insider : Economy

Good morning. I'm Phil Rosen, writing to you just blocks away from the Federal Reserve building in Manhattan. 

Yesterday on Capitol Hill, Jerome Powell reiterated his warning that the Fed's more than ready to keep jacking up rates if necessary. 

Inflation hasn't gone away as easily as policymakers want, and Powell thinks that may just warrant a steeper policy path. 

He did make clear, however, that nothing yet is set in stone (traders have doubled the expected odds of a half-point hike at this month's meeting).  

Tech Insider : Economy
Fed Chair Jerome Powell
Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell is due to speak at a European Central Bank event Wednesday.