Tech Insider
Hemant Pandey at Meta offices
Hemant Pandey joined Meta in 2021 after working at other tech firms.
Tech Insider
Sahil Dua speaking at tech conference
Sahil Dua said that speaking at conferences like QCon, KubeCon, PyCon and MLConference have played an important role in his career.
Tech Insider
Hemant Pandey at Meta office
Hemant Pandey joined Meta in 2021 after experiences at Salesforce, SAP, Tesla and Amazon.
Tech Insider
yellow caution tape intersecting on an orange background
Some job postings are ridden with red flags — if you know how to spot them.
Tech Insider
Barack Obama
Former President Obama told staff to care more about their impact than their title.
Tech Insider
Man sitting near android statue at Google office.
Sahil Gaba interviewed at Google three times before landing his current software engineering role.
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costco warehouse
If you want to see a company's culture in action, Costco's CFO says, "get there a half hour early and see how employees greet their guests."