Tech Insider : Economy
A hiring person looks at a person at a hiring fair
Having a gap in your résumé doesn't have to derail your job search.
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frustrated man computer not working
As redundant as it may feel, you should still fill out those work history fields in a job application, even though that information is already in your resume.
Tech Insider
Anthony Mays
Anthony Mays got hooked on computers and coding when he was seven.
Tech Insider
Job seekers at a job fair are standing in a line
Software isn't necessarily the reason your résumé got rejected.
Tech Insider : Economy
AI Robots battling it out amidst a flurry of falling resumes
Jobseekers and recruiters are both using AI to get a leg up. It's a battle of the bots.

When Josh Holbrook, a software engineer in Alaska, was laid off in January, he didn't expect to spend too much time looking for a new job. He certainly didn't think he'd need to relearn the job-hunt process.

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Sahil Dua speaking at tech conference
Sahil Dua said that speaking at conferences like QCon, KubeCon, PyCon and MLConference have played an important role in his career.
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Hemant Pandey at Meta office
Hemant Pandey joined Meta in 2021 after experiences at Salesforce, SAP, Tesla and Amazon.