
Say what you want about gaming gear’s absolute obsession with RGB lighting on every desktop, keyboard, and laptop, but at least they’re consistent.

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I’ll admit it: as much as I like the power and pizazz of a supercharged desktop PC, there’s nothing like taking that performance on the go.


The Razer Blade 16, long the north star of gaming laptops emphasizing portability and power, is prettier (and far more expensive) than ever before.


I’m pitting the best gaming laptop against the best productivity laptop and seeing who comes out on top. It’s a real sumo match of the big boys of the laptop world.


The next Razer Blades are really trying to push just how beautiful, blistering, and big gaming laptops can get. The company shared a preview of the displays for its upcoming Razer Blade 16 and a brand new 18-inch model, but the smaller version is already looking like the real glory hound. The next Razer will push…



This story is part of our new Future of Gaming series, a three-site look at gaming’s most pioneering technologies, players, and makers.