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A top shot shows Sir David Attenborough standing next to the fossil of the pliosaur, which is about seven feet long.
The skull of the pliosaur is seen here next to David Attenborough, BBC presenter, who is presenting a documentary about the find.

A team of paleontologists revealed a remarkable fossil: a young tyrannosaurid with the hindlimbs of two year-old dinosaurs in its stomach. In other words, this theropod was chowing down on baby legs.



Think about all the dinosaur content you’ve ever consumed: books, movies, perhaps a Far Side cartoon. Consider how realistic each dinosaurian depiction was, to your best understanding of how dinosaurs lived.

Gizmodo : Environment

We all know how the story goes: a large asteroid falls to Earth from space, slamming into the Yucatán Peninsula with 100 million megatons of force.


A team of paleontologists studying the fossilized shell of a sea turtle from the Miocene Epoch found something surprising and perhaps impossible: preserved bone cells that they believe may contain ancient DNA, the molecule that holds the genetic information of living things.


Tech Insider
An artist's impression of 150-million-year-old avialan theropod Fujianvenator prodigiosus shows a leggy, plumed dinosaur screatching as it stands over a prey.
An artist's impression of Fujianvenator prodigiosus. Scientists think this dinosaur could be a much needed missing link in the history of bird evolution around the Jurassic period.

Paleontologists have found a fossilized pterosaur precursor with gnarly, scimitar-like claws and a beak, indicating that the reptilian group it belongs to was more diverse than previously thought.



About 125 million years ago, a young mammal about the size of a possum bit down on the side of a beaked dinosaur nearly three times its size. The animals died like that, entangled and at odds with each other, a fossilized tableau of the dinosaurian-mammalian power shift that would finally come about 60 million years…

Tech Insider
Patagotitan mayorum display at London's Natural History Museum
Patagotitan mayorum display at London's Natural History Museum