
The “Doctor-lite” has become a common parlance in contemporary Doctor Who—an episode that, born out of scheduling or the general rigors of a season of television show where the lead actor is in


There is perhaps no funnier dichotomy in sci-fi fandom than Doctor Who—a show that has inherently been about the nature of change and the mutability of time for six decades—having a fandom that, by and large,


In a delightful display of fucking around and finding out, the BBC recently decided to test the patience of the famously calm fandom that is the audience of Doctor Who by a


Doctor Who’s new 14th Doctor—with that old face—has already gone on his first adventures in the pages of the show’s official magazine.


This week the Doctor Who universe is expanding with the official launch of what is now being dubbed “The Whoniverse”—a streaming home for over 800 episodes of Doctor Who