
Star Wars is filled with half-truths. Even as its fans crave the reliability of a rigorously defined canon, the saga has always played in the realm of mythologizing itself, and twisting what we’ve been told in new lights.


This weekend, The Phantom Menace turns 25—and while we’ve celebrated the ways the film brought so much to Star Wars in the past, for its 25th anniversary w


No one deserves their much-delayed accolades as part of the Star Wars franchise more than Ahmed Best, who portrayed Jar Jar Binks in George Lucas’ prequel trilogy.


A lot is going on this May to celebrate 25 years of the prequel trilogy kicking off in The Phantom Menace—a way for us to reflect, and look back on how rememb


In the past two decades appreciation for Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace has grown strong with the Force.


Our first big look at The Acolyte last month brought with it the news that just one character from the High Republic transmedia era would make the leap from


We live in a golden age of Star Wars prequel renaissance. The biggest stories right now all go back to the age of the prequel trilogy, its stars—some of them at least— are returning left and right.


Hasbro’s 6" line of Star Wars action figures, the Black Series, launched a decade ago, and has gone on to give us many great representations (and some not so great