Tech Insider : Politics
Steel Kim
Rep. Michelle Steel, second from right, and Rep. Young Kim, right, are running in two of the most competitive House districts in the country. Former Speaker Kevin McCarthy, center, has been instrumental in bolstering the GOP delegation from California.
Tech Insider
Azovstal steel plant
A Ukrainian soldier inside the ruined Azovstal steel plant stands under a sunlight ray in his shelter in Mariupol, Ukraine, on May 7, 2022.
Tech Insider
An employee of the Natural History Museum in London looks at model of a Neanderthal male.
Tech Insider : Politics
Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy at a press conference on January 12, 2023.
Then-House Speaker Kevin McCarthy at a press conference on January 12, 2023.
Tech Insider
Four images taken by JWST showing the Orion nebula (upper left), Uranus (upper right), a Wolf-Rayet star (lower left), and the Ring Nebula (lower right).
Tech Insider
Halynne Shi
Halynne Shi quit her job with Singapore's Changi Airport to join the tech industry. She worked at a tech startup before joining Spotify this year.