
Stars very close to the center of our galaxy could be fueled by dark matter in perpetuity, according to a team of astronomers who recently studied the distant light sources.


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The KBC void
New research suggests the KBC void is a 2 billion light-year-wide expanse of relatively empty space, and our galaxy sits right near the center of it.

For almost as long as they have been in the comics, the X-Men and mutantkind at large have been stalked by a world that hates and fears them—a world that manifested that hate in the metallic, unflinching face of


Speculation about extraterrestrials is not all that new. There was a vibrant debate in 17th-century Europe about the existence of life on other planets.



The massive galaxy that houses our star system, along with hundreds of billions of other stars, appears as a shimmery splotch stretching across our night skies on clear, moonless nights. For an ancient people who were rather obsessed with the cosmos, looking up at the Milky Way may have symbolized a goddess that hangs…


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hubble ultra deep field faint galaxies
Astronomers are mapping millions of galaxies in our universe to better understand dark energy.
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An artist's impression shows a star collapsing on itself
An artist's impression of a nova, an exploding star.
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Illustration of a black hole warping space-time around it.
On rare occasions, black holes can get kicked into space after they form.
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gamma ray burst
An artist's interpretation of a gamma-ray burst.
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black hole event horizon shadow accretion disk spiraling illustration eso1644b
An artist's impression of a rapidly spinning supermassive black hole surrounded by a disc of super-heated material.