
Scientists are inching closer to making telepathy a reality. In a new study published this week, researchers claim to have created a device that can read and translate a person’s internal speech. The findings only show modest success so far, however, and there are still many hurdles remaining before such devices can…


Gizmodo : Environment

Whoa! Did you feel that? It was an earthquake with an epicenter in northern New Jersey, and it set off a flurry on social media Friday morning. The quake was centered about 20 miles west of North Plainfield and occurred at about 10:23 a.m. ET according to a European seismological center.


It’s time to look back at spaceflight in 2023, a real “two steps forward, one step back” kind of year, filled with highs, lows, and everything in between.


Gizmodo : Environment

Astrobiologists suspect there could be alien life just out of reach in our solar system, in oceans hidden beneath icy crusts on moons circling Jupiter and Saturn. But unlike the surface of Mars, which can be explored by rovers and landers, these mysterious oceans are currently inaccessible to us. In an effort to…