
After last week’s episode—already a contender for one of 2024's best single episodes of TV—it would be tough for even a show as consistently strong as X-Men ‘97 t


Few singular words in the long canon of the X-Men’s comic book history evoke the weight of mutantkind’s story of survival and extinction than “Genosha.” The island nation is a fundamental turning point in the comics’ long exploration of mutant statehood and


The story of Marvel’s mutantdom is one of evolution, and with it, cycles—the rise and fall that almost always guarantees that the tale of the X-Men is one of endless battle, for a world that hates and fears them.


Adaptation is always a challenge—but it’s a particularly daunting one in the case of comic books, where a new medium has to reckon with translating sagas told across years of issues and continuity fluxes. For the most part, X-Men ‘97's latest episode navigates this task the best it can, but the sacrifices it makes…


The X-Men never die. In the comics, that’s sometimes more literal than metaphorical, more meta text than actual text.


This morning brought our first good look at X-Men ‘97 in action, and while there’s a lot you can say about Marvel’s return to nostalgia for the


After what has felt like years of waiting since Marvel first confirmed it would be returning to one of its all time classics—the ‘90s X-Men animated cartoon—we finally hav


As we get closer and closer to the arrival of X-Men ‘97, the rallying cry of “To me, my X-Men merchandise!” just gets louder and louder.