Tech Insider
A close-up of Benioff that shows him extending his hand.
Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff appears at an event in Washington, DC, in 2019.
Tech Insider
Lidiane Jones, former Slack CEO, speaks in front of a blue background while wearing an orange dress.
Lidiane Jones, former Slack CEO, has taken over as CEO of Bumble — her first time leading a public company.
Tech Insider
New Slack redesign
The new Slack redesign with "Activity" notifications.
Tech Insider
slack logo on phone and in background
Slack retired its @SlackStatus account on X, implying customers weren't using it much anymore.

Slack says it is shutting down its SlackStatus account on X, which alerted users of incidents and outages on the platform, Thursday night. The office messaging platform will move its incident status alerts to its website.



This story is part of our new Chief Innovation Officer Forecast series with Quartz, a business report from the front lines of the future.