
Anthropic launched Claude 3.5 Sonnet on Thursday, which the AI startup says outperforms its previous AI models and OpenAI’s recently launched GPT-4 Omni on several metrics.


Despite the fact that they’re created by humans, large language models are still quite mysterious. The high-octane algorithms that power our current artificial intelligence boom have a way of doing things that aren’t outwardly explicable to the people observing them.


Dario and Daniela Amodei, siblings and founders of Anthropic, fired indirect jabs at OpenAI while not stating the company’s name on Thursday.


A mysterious new AI chatbot called “gpt2-chatbot” turned heads this week after it became available on a major large language model benchmarking site, LMSYS Org. No one knows where it came from, but many consider it to have roughly the same capabilities as OpenAI’s GPT-4. This put gpt2-chatbot in a rare class of AI…


When OpenAI released ChatGPT in 2022, it may not have realized it was setting a company spokesperson loose on the internet.


While AI tools offer new capabilities for web users and companies, they also have the potential to make certain forms of cybercrime and malicious activity much more accessible and powerful. Case in point: Last week, new research was published that shows large language models can actually be converted into malicious…


Google has been the dominant search engine since the early 2000s, but Jeff Bezos is betting that AI will change the way people find information on the internet.