Tech Insider
Guy looking at PIP paperwork
A performance improvement plan can be an opportunity for growth — or the end of your time at a company.
Tech Insider
Businesswoman looking at a laptop.
Many people are shocked when receiving a PIP, so they don't actually take the time to sit down and read it, says employment law attorney Craig Levey.
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an illustration of a  woman at her desk with her head down
A woman was put on a performance-improvement plan. Then, an ADHD diagnosis and treatment helped her improve in her job.
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A chaotic pile of linkedin profiles with
LinkedIn's company culture has undergone a reckoning over the past year, workers say.
Tech Insider
Jack Dorsey speaking at a crypto-currency event
Jack Dorsey is getting rid of annual performance reviews and performance-improvement plans, or PIPs, at his company, Block.
Tech Insider
Image of a person fighting getting cut by a pair of scissors
Performance-improvement plans don't necessarily spell the end for workers.