Gizmodo : Politics

Boeing has been having serious problems all year but it’s beginning to look like the company may actually be in pretty deep shit.


The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has opened yet another investigation into Boeing, this one centered around concerns that counterfeit titanium may have been installed in some of the aviation giant’s planes.



In the latest disturbing twist to the Boeing saga, the company admitted to falsifying records related to the inspection of its 787 Dreamliner plane. The company publicly disclosed this after news broke of yet another federal investigation into the company.


Boeing, the troubled aircraft manufacturer that makes most of the planes that Americans fly on, was the subject of an unsettling Congressional hearing Wednesday wherein multiple invited speakers accused the company of fostering a “safety culture” that is anything but safe.


Ever since a passenger plane’s door blew off in early January, plane-maker Boeing has been under increased scrutiny. Now, a new report from the Federal Aviation Administration calls into question the aircraft manufacturer’s safety procedures, calling them “inadequate.”


Boeing, one of the world’s largest aircraft manufacturers, has been in the news a lot lately but not in a good way. Safety incidents involving the company’s planes keep cropping up and this week brought yet another example of that unfortunate trend.