Gizmodo : Environment

Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are a result of the movement of large swaths of Earth’s crust, but while the theory of plate tectonics has been widely accepted as a fundamental law of geology, there are still things to be discovered. New research from the University of Texas Austin points to the presence of a…


It feels like the last month of gaming news has been a whole decade. Remember the OGL 1.1? That happened less than three weeks ago!

Gizmodo : Environment

Rubble pile asteroids are more common and durable than previously thought, according to new research. The scientists behind the study say this could pose a problem for planetary defense measures. But there may be reason for optimism, given recent insights gleaned from NASA’s successful DART mission to deflect an…


Tech Insider
A 3D rendering of the Earth's layers, including its core.
A 3D rendering of the Earth's layers, including its inner core.