Tech Insider
Cole McElwain posing in front of Blizzard's logo.
Cole McElwain says he doesn't regret moving despite losing his job.

Microsoft laid 1,900 employees in its gaming division, according to an internal memo seen by The Verge on Thursday, with a majority of the layoffs hitting its newly acquired Activision Blizzard employees.

Tech Insider
A photo of a blood-infused PC released by Blizzard Entertainment. According to the press release, the actual PC may look slightly different from this one.
Blizzard is encouraging "Diablo IV" players to unleash their inner vampires and to help out their communities with a blood drive and a giveaway of a blood-infused PC.
Tech Insider : Travel
Stranded at the airport
Michael Ricchiuti waits in Salt Lake City after his flight was canceled by snow Wednesday.
Tech Insider


world of warcraft
Millions of Chinese gamers lost access to the game "World of Warcraft" on Tuesday morning after its servers in China shut down.