Tech Insider : Politics
Rupert Murdoch
Rupert Murdoch at Spencer House, St James' Place in London on June 22, 2023.
Tech Insider
A composite image showing, left, Auguste Rodin's bronze
L: Rodin's "The Thinker." R: Andy Warhol's "Marilyn" screenprints.
Tech Insider : Politics
The yacht
Dozens of superyachts have been seized by US and European authorities since Russia invaded Ukraine.
Tech Insider
Heat map showing Russian oligarch yacht traffic across the world before and after the invasion of Ukraine, next to a picture of Roman Abramovich's superyacht Solaris.
Heat map showing Russian oligarch yacht traffic across the world before and after the invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.
Tech Insider
Image of Russian oligarch Viktor Vekselberg (front) and Park Avenue, where he owns a property.
Russian oligarch Viktor Vekselberg owns a property on Park Avenue in New York, per the DoJ.
Tech Insider : Politics
Russian president Vladimir Putin giving his annual address on February 21, 2023. He stands in a dark suit against a pale background, at a podium with a russian eagle crest.
Russian President Vladimir Putin gives his annual state of the nation address in Moscow, Russia, Tuesday, Feb. 21, 2023.
Tech Insider
putin exit
Russian President Vladimir Putin enters a hall at the State Kremlin Palace in Moscow, Russia, on November 29,2022.