Gizmodo : Politics

President Joe Biden signed the TikTok bill into law on Wednesday morning, officially starting the 270-day clock for TikTok’s owner, China-based Bytedance, to sell the social media app or face a ban in American app stores.

Gizmodo : Politics

A military court in Russia sentenced a spokesperson for Meta to six years in prison on Monday, according to a new report from the English-language Moscow Times.

Gizmodo : Environment

We’re rapidly approaching the quarter mark of the 21st century, but instead of being at the brink of a radical transformative stage, such as the futuristic vision akin to Arthur C. Clarke’s Star Child from 2001: A Space Odyssey, we’re still throwing proverbial bones into the sky.



This week, Tucker Carlson conducted an interview with Vladimir Putin for his show on X. The interview, which is over two hours long, was ostensibly an attempt to interview the Russian leader about the war in Ukraine.


Twitter is officially dead. Since Elon Musk’s $44 billion acquisition of it late last year, people have been saying it’s dead or dying or will die. Musk ended the argument when he renamed the app “X.” And now, so many people seem to pine for the days when Twitter was good. But let me tell you, it was never good. It…


On March 14, just around a month after Russian troops stormed across Ukraine’s western to begin a year’s long bloody battle, Ukrainian president Vladimir Zelensky appeared on a Ukrainian television station and announced his unconditional surrender. The president, wearing his now iconic military green long-sleeve shirt…


Gizmodo : Environment

Google Maps and Waze have disabled live traffic updates for areas of Israel and the Gaza Strip at the request of the Israeli military, according to a

Gizmodo : Politics

Once upon a time, Twitter (now renamed X) routinely tried to label what it deemed “state affiliated” news sites, in an effort to highlight potential government disinformation and propaganda.

Gizmodo : Politics, Environment

North Korea may soon be getting technological assistance to help launch its satellites as Russia vows to contribute to its space ambitions.



Starlink CEO Elon Musk reportedly worried about his role in the Ukraine War, prompting him to shut down the satellite communications network near Crimea last year, according to an excerpt from a