
For almost as long as they have been in the comics, the X-Men and mutantkind at large have been stalked by a world that hates and fears them—a world that manifested that hate in the metallic, unflinching face of


Deadpool & Wolverine’s new trailer yesterday didn’t really give fresh details on what the film’s going to be about, beyond the vague threat of multiversal shenanigans and Wade and Logan’s team-up.


This morning we got our latest look at Deadpool & Wolverine, and while it doesn’t give as much about the film’s premise away as


Our first look at Deadpool & Wolverine earlier this year leaned heavily on the merc’ with a mouth’s official arrival into the Marvel Cinematic Universe—as its w


Few singular words in the long canon of the X-Men’s comic book history evoke the weight of mutantkind’s story of survival and extinction than “Genosha.” The island nation is a fundamental turning point in the comics’ long exploration of mutant statehood and


In a few weeks, the ‘90s are back in style—well, if you’re a fan of Marvel’s merry mutants, that is.


Yesterday’s Super Bowl brought us our first look at Deadpool 3—now formally Deadpool & Wolverine—and a taste of what’s to come as Ryan Reynolds’ infamous mercenary storms