
Tuesday saw the opening of a major antitrust case against Google, marking the government’s first big tech monopoly trial since Microsoft. As the Department of Justice and Google lay out their arguments, two remarkable issues are at stake. First is the nature of Google’s business, which raises questions about the very…


Surfing the web is one of the great joys of modern life. With the click of a button you can know who starred in that TV show you like, what to name your child, or how to tell if your cat wants you dead.


On Tuesday, the US Department of Justice filed an antitrust lawsuit against Google. Joined by eight state attorneys general, the federal government said the tech giant is running an illegal monopoly in the digital ad market, and it wants the courts to compel Google to sell its subsidiary ad businesses, breaking the…


In 1982, the Department of Justice wrapped up a 13-year antitrust case against IBM. The DOJ lost, but so did IBM. The tech landscape changed, and IBM was distracted and had to move slowly under the increased scrutiny. Microsoft and Apple swooped in and knocked IBM off its perch. 20 years later, the same thing happened…