Gizmodo : Environment

In September 2022, NASA deliberately crashed its DART spacecraft into a small asteroid some 6.8 million miles from Earth, in an attempt to redirect its trajectory as a test-run for any future rock that might threaten Earth.



Winter weather hit both coasts over the last few days, dropping snow over California and across the Northeast. Cities around the country experienced power outages and massive transit headaches. And there’s more to come.


Gizmodo : Environment

The dark overlord Sauron that is the online retail giant Amazon always has its eye on its workers, and none more so than its delivery drivers. One TikTok shows how Amazon’s in-van cameras and AI system can track everything, from how often they buckle up, to whether they take their hand off the steering wheel to…


Officials with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are sounding the alarm over a diarrhea-causing superbug. The CDC’s data shows a noticeable rise in extensively drug-resistant strains of Shigella bacteria over the past half-decade. Though these infections are typically not severe, antibiotics are needed to…

Gizmodo : Environment

When ABL Space System’s RS1 rocket exploded shortly after liftoff from the Pacific Spaceport Complex—Alaska on January 10, the resulting black mushroom cloud was visible from at least about 25 miles away. In a phone call with Gizmodo, one Kodiak Island resident, who requested anonymity for employment reasons,…