
Freddy. Jason. Michael. Leatherface. Every great horror icon has its origin story.


As old horror franchises have gotten new leases on life in recent years, more and more people have just wanted to know why Friday the 13th can’t get the same treatm


There’s been a number of dormant horror franchises that’ve been revived in the past few years—your Alien, Halloween, Strangers, and so on.


The cast of Jurassic World 4 expands. Street Fighter gets its first logo. Plus, Doctor Who hypes its strangest villain yet. To me, my spoilers!



A physics professor with a pretty great life—cool Chicago brownstone, cool wife, cool teenage son—is nonetheless bothered by a voice in his head that wonders what his life might have been, if he’d only he’d made different choices along the way.


The chronology of any comic book storyline or character—woven throughout decades of creative teams, retcons, and realignments to the narrative—is always a complicated affair.