
Your college years can be some of the best of your life, but we know it can be tough to enjoy them when you’re scrounging every dollar for textbooks, food and (if you’re lucky) the occasional outing with friends. Money is tight when you’re a student, and that financial stress can be compounded by the reality of having to stay on top of your studies.

Gizmodo : Environment

Have you ever dreamed about furthering environmental goals in the corporate space—or, more specifically, working for one of the world’s most prolific climate deniers, at a company helping churn a crusade against the very existence of a job like yours? Great news: Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation, aka News Corp, is…


On Tuesday, the US Department of Justice filed an antitrust lawsuit against Google. Joined by eight state attorneys general, the federal government said the tech giant is running an illegal monopoly in the digital ad market, and it wants the courts to compel Google to sell its subsidiary ad businesses, breaking the…