
The wife of a SpaceX employee who was severely injured in a 2022 rocket engine test has filed a negligence lawsuit against the aerospace company, as first reported by Reuters.


The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) launched an inquiry into the billion-dollar AI deals of OpenAI, Microsoft, Alphabet, Amazon, and Anthropic on Thursday.


OpenAI’s mission is to develop a god-like artificial intelligence, but it might never get there without the help of Microsoft. U.S.


The new Samsung Galaxy S24 is all in on AI, so much so that the phone maker made a big deal about how its new AI watermark is meant to dissuade users from spreading AI-altered or purely faked images online.


Click through for our coverage of the SEC Twitter/X hack, new Google TV features revealed at CES, Elon Musk’s alleged drug use, and more.



Now that CES 2024 is done and gone. I think it’s safe to say that there was a lot of news out of Las Vegas this year. Thankfully, we’ve got all the important announcements listed below.



Pennsylvania became the first state in the nation to use ChatGPT Enterprise, Governor Josh Shapiro announced Tuesday, leading a pilot program with OpenAI in which state employees will use generative AI. Governor Shapiro says Pennsylvania government employees will start using ChatGPT Enterprise this month to help state…


Gizmodo : Politics

China hacked into Apple’s Airdrop system on Monday allowing the government to identify the name, phone number, and email of the sender’s device, according to a post from a state-backed institution.