Tech Insider
Four fish rushing towards a dollar sign shaped fishing hook
New research reveals that Silicon Valley uses predatory pricing to crush competitors and scam investors — evidence the government can use to bust up tech monopolies.
Tech Insider : Economy, Politics
Empty office chairs crowded into a corner, and one chair rolling by the pile
The coming surge in boomer retirement will create a labor shortage that will last for decades — and that's great news for everyone.
Tech Insider : Technology, Economy
Future medical technology controlled by AI robot using machine learning
The promise of AI makes some Gen Xers uneasy about their job security.
Tech Insider

ChatGPT, a conversational AI model built by OpenAI, is the most talked-about technology of 2023. And it has piqued the interest of insurance industry leaders. But where exactly will ChatGPT, and generative AI broadly, have the greatest impact? And what are its most and least promising use cases?

Analyst Estimates: Provider and Consumer Interest in Select Generative AI Applications in Insurance
Tech Insider

ChatGPT, a generative AI-powered conversational chatbot developed by OpenAI, is the talk of 2023. In the banking industry, generative AI will help create marketing images and text, answer customer queries via virtual assistants, and produce data that will make machine learning applications more accurate and efficient.