Tech Insider : Economy
Balancing all the tasks from two jobs can be overwhelming.
All companies need to trim costs smartly so they can reinvest in growth.
Tech Insider : Economy
Illustration of a Calendar with a Four Day work week
Shortening the workweek to four days gives employees the chance to rest and be even more productive when they are working.

Experts say it could be even shorter

My weekend was in dire need of rescue.

Tech Insider : Technology

ChatGPT brought generative AI into the limelight when it hit 1 million users in five days. But how valid is the buzz around ChatGPT? We unpack what you need to know: How does generative AI work? Who are the key players? Is ChatGPT ready for prime time? And most importantly: How will the technology change the way we do business?

Tech Insider

ChatGPT, a conversational AI model built by OpenAI, is the most talked-about technology of 2023. And it has piqued the interest of insurance industry leaders. But where exactly will ChatGPT, and generative AI broadly, have the greatest impact? And what are its most and least promising use cases?

Analyst Estimates: Provider and Consumer Interest in Select Generative AI Applications in Insurance
Tech Insider
A woman looking doubtful while embraced by a man
An emotional couple hugging (stock photo).
Tech Insider
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Tech Insider : Technology
the garage where Jeff Bezos started Amazon and a headshot of jeff bezos
The garage where Jeff Bezos started Amazon.