Tech Insider : Economy
A House speeding downwards with graph arrows towards a realtor
As home sales slow down and inventory gets tighter, real-estate agents are about to find out who's in it for the long haul and who will get washed out.

Many won't survive the housing crunch

Tech Insider : Economy
silhouette of woman and man facing away from each other, the woman in front of a house and the man in front of an office building
Bosses think working from home is for sissies — they see the home as the woman's domain.
Tech Insider
A woman sitting at a table and typing on a laptop.
The employee said that lying on their résumé "made a world of difference in my quality of life."
Tech Insider
Traffic heads toward downtown
Some employers are calling workers back to the office, which means a return to commuting.
Tech Insider : Technology
A headshot of Jasmine Cheng, the founder of TopKnack, a boutique recruiting firm.
Jasmine Cheng created her own recruiting firm and uses ChatGPT to help her clients find job candidates.
Tech Insider
Illustration of a knife cutting a line of workers
The harshness of recent layoffs suggests that any managerial empathy workers gained during the depths of the pandemic was short-lived.
Tech Insider : Technology
Hanna Matyiku-Nuñez feeding baby with bottle.
In 2021, Hanna Matyiku-Nuñez was laid off from her job at a tech startup while on maternity leave.
Tech Insider
Gameplay of a character moving along a level
Turning your habits into a game can help motivate you, but it also comes with some downsides.
Tech Insider
Quiet layoffs are underway.
To find joy in your work experts and quiet quitters advise reworking your schedule, finding opportunities outside the office, and communicating with your manager.