
The CDC released a statement warning of an increased risk of drug injuries and overdoses after the U.S. Department of Justice indicted two executives from the telehealth company Done on Thursday.


Scientists may have figured out how addictive drugs like cocaine hijack the brain’s reward system to make us ignore basic needs like food or water. In mice, the researchers were able to extensively detail a neural pathway that allows the brain to respond to natural positive stimuli, while also showing how drugs can…


Tech Insider : Economy, Sports
Hand holding a smartphone with falling casino chips, playing cards, and money, symbolizing sports betting
Sports betting apps are betting that Americans want to gamble on more than just sports.

Social media might be addictive, but it turns out quitting is complicated. A study out Wednesday from the UK’s Durham University asked 51 moderate to heavy social media users to stay off the apps for one week.


A new Gallup survey found more than half of teenagers in the U.S. spend an average of 4.8 hours on social media each day.

Gizmodo : Environment

Extreme heat is deadly. Exposure to high temperatures can make people sick and eventually lead to heat exhaustion and heat stroke. But new research shows that rising temperatures come with other compounding dangers.

Tech Insider : Economy
Person falling through phone illustration
More people are wanting to cut back on their smartphone use. But we've made it nearly impossible to leave our phones behind.

From concert tickets to hotel reservations, everything you want to do now requires an infuriating app


Alcohol addiction could become a thing of the past with a new gene therapy that appears to significantly reduce alcohol cravings in monkeys, according to a

Tech Insider
Elissa Tierney with her daughter and President Joe Biden.
Elissa Tierney (right) and her daughter (middle) met President Joe Biden (left) at an event in Philadelphia.