Tech Insider
bert and ernie sesame street
This scene from 'Sesame Street' shows the character Ernie on the left. He shares a name with Baidu's new chatbot.
Tech Insider
A Tesla charging.
Tesla recently came in last of 16 automated-driving tech companies ranked by Guidehouse Insights.
Tech Insider
xi jinping, jiang zemin, hu jintao
China's President Xi Jinping (L) looks at former President Jiang Zemin and former President Hu Jintao taking seats during a military parade to mark the 70th anniversary of the end of World War Two, in Beijing, China, September 3, 2015.
Tech Insider
Baidu, China's leading tech company, is focusing heavily on artificial intelligence by investing in AI startups.
Gizmodo : Technology

Well folks, the AI “revolution” is upon us, and it already seems to be getting out slightly out of hand. Big corporations, spurred by the specter of easy profits, have begun to roll out new tools and products that use artificial intelligence to enhance user experience.

Tech Insider
ChatGPT artificial intelligence investing advice
ChatGPT has surged in popularity over recent months.

New research suggests that users of top-of-the-line Android devices sold in China are getting their personal data pilfered left, right and center, according to new research. The collection, which is happening without notification or consent, could easily lead to the persistent tracking of users and the easy unmasking…