
In 79 A.D., Mount Vesuvius lay waste to a library in Herculaneum that was owned by the father-in-law of Julius Caesar. Now, former GitHub CEO Nat Friedman and some scientists are giving $250,000 away in prizes to the person or team who successfully uses modern technology to decipher scrolls recovered from the site of…


We know them in death. We know how they died, some of what they ate, how they grew, where they may have roamed, and even if they suffered from disease or injury. Preserved bones can tell us a lot, but perhaps just as interesting are the stories they left in traces, where their behavior, even for one moment, is…


Researchers studied videos of great apes spinning and found that the animals are deliberately getting dizzy; the team believes that the behavior may have implications for humankind’s occasional exploration of altered states of mind.


Microsoft secretly rolled out a new feature into its Bing AI preview that lets users emulate certain famous people. It does a, let’s just say, “interesting” job at emulating some celebrities’ speech patterns. We also took a look at what it’s allowed to say on behalf of some extremely controversial or hateful figures.

Gizmodo : Technology

Artificial intelligence (AI) tools are increasingly used at work to enhance productivity, improve decision making and reduce costs, including automating administrative tasks and monitoring security.

Gizmodo : Environment

A proposal to build a nearly 500-mile-long stretch of transmission line in Nevada has been further delayed due to the discovery of possible fossil deposits in its path.



AstroAccess is a winner of the 2023 Gizmodo Science Fair for pushing for universal accessibility in the space environment and for running pathfinding tests in zero-gravity with help from disabled individuals.



The internet and dinner table conversations went wild when a Bing Chatbot, made by Microsoft, recently expressed a desire to escape its job and be free. The bot also professed its love for a reporter who was chatting with it. Did the AI’s emergent properties indicate an evolving consciousness?


Gizmodo : Technology

It’s no question that artificial intelligence is rapidly advancing, creating a buzz in the tech world and to all those who use it.