Woman working remotely
  • Adopting the right habits can make a big difference to your happiness and productivity levels.
  • Betsy Ramser Jaime describes the habits that have worked for her while working from home.
  • They include breaking her day up into parts, and creating end-of-day rituals to avoid overworking.

Working from home can be an amazing or awful experience.

Whether you love your work tasks or dread getting out of bed each morning, you might be surprised about what a difference the right habits can make.

When I've had tricky clients or work, adding habits and activities to my day that I could look forward to made all the difference.

Here are some of my favorite working-from-home habits that have worked for me.

1. Replace scrolling with reading

When I stopped using social media over five years ago, I still had the urge to pick up my phone.