Business Insider's most innovative CMOs of 2024 from left: Mayur Gupta, Kim Chappell, Kory Marchisotto, Asad Ayaz and Jonnie Cahill
From left: Mayur Gupta, Kim Chappell, Kory Marchisotto, Asad Ayaz and Jonnie Cahill
  • CMOs are under increased pressure to grow their brands while reaching new audiences.

  • They're experimenting with new technology like generative AI and cookieless advertising.
  • Meet Business Insider's "Most Innovative CMOs" of 2024.

The role of chief marketing officers is only getting harder.

They're increasingly responsible for proving growth at their companies by boosting consumer spending, reaching new audiences like Gen Z, and using emerging technologies like generative AI and cookieless tools.

Business Insider's annual list of the "Most Innovative CMOs" spotlights CMOS rising to these challenges. This year's 34 CMOs came from nearly 80 nominations from their peers and industry experts.