marc benioff segway salesforce 2003
Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff rides a Segway around one of Salesforce's earliest office spaces.
  • Marc Benioff is the chief executive of cloud-based software company Salesforce.
  • Benioff worked at Oracle for 13 years before leaving the company to work on Salesforce full time.
  • Benioff has a net worth of about $10 billion, Bloomberg estimates.

Marc Benioff has seen his company, Salesforce, through many ups and downs throughout its 25 years.

The cloud software giant's market cap has swelled to over $250 billion in 2024 and even briefly crossed the $300 billion mark. But it hasn't been immune to the struggles facing the tech industry in recent years. Salesforce announced in January that it would be cutting 700 more jobs after slashing thousands in 2023.