Michael Doolin
Michael Doolin has been in the HR industry for 36 years, working for multinational companies.
  • Michael Doolin has worked in HR for 36 years at companies such as PwC, British Airways, and DPD.
  • He said there are signs that can suggest an interview went well, but preparation is more important.
  • Body language, length of the interview, and chemistry with the interviewer could all be clues.

This as-told-to essay is based on a transcribed conversation with Michael Doolin, CEO of Clover HR and former human resources director at PwC, British Airways, and DPD in Ireland. The following has been edited for length and clarity.

It's very common for job candidates to be uncertain about how a job interview has gone. People get nervous and unsure during interviews — and body language is not easy to read when meeting someone for the first time.