Sari Mainzer holding a golf club on a balcony.
Sari Mainzer still plays golf at 91 years old.
  • Sari Mainzer is 91 years old and still plays golf regularly.
  • Exercising regularly could be one lifestyle factor that has helped her stay healthy.
  • She also tries to step out of her comfort zone and keep busy, she told Business Insider.

The year was 1990 and Sari Mainzer was looking for something to do at a hotel in Maine. The hotel was on a golf course, so she decided to grab a club and give it a try, sparking a 34-year-long hobby that she still does at the age of 91.

Mainzer added golf to the list of all the ways she kept active. On top of her work as an interior designer, she played volleyball in high school, fenced in college, and played tennis into her 80s.