
Writer-director Matthew Vaughn is well known for turning giving franchises a good kick in the ass.


In the last 11 years since Star Wars’ Expanded Universe faded into “legends” as a new canon for the galaxy far, far away was laid out, many elements big and small from its time as Star Wars’ ancillary text have made their way


Beginning with 2011’s Mortal Kombat 9, NetherRealm Studios has put a stronger emphasis on the narrative of its now 30-year-old fighting franchise.


Let’s face facts. The odds of Alden Ehrenreich returning to the role of Han Solo probably aren’t great. Solo: A Star Wars Story was successful, but not to the level of its Star Wars predecessors.


Ten years ago, Hasbro announced something akin to a disturbance in the Force—and Star Wars toy fans’ wallets: The Black Series, a brand new line that would bump the iconic heroes and villains of the galaxy far, far away up to