Tech Insider
AI-generated image of a CEO of a top UK company
Meet the average CEO of the top UK companies: He's white, rich, and probably named Andrew.
Tech Insider
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Tech Insider : Economy
silhouette of woman and man facing away from each other, the woman in front of a house and the man in front of an office building
Bosses think working from home is for sissies — they see the home as the woman's domain.
Tech Insider
Tech workers sitting at a desk
Millions of Muslims around the world will be observing Ramadan during the months of March and April this year.
Tech Insider
A Ford assembly worker with an electric F-150 Lightning
Much of the modern automobile was built by women. Ford's latest ad campaign proves it.
Tech Insider
office worker reacts negatively to bad news - stock photo
Microaggressions are analogous to "death by a thousand cuts" — repetitive behavior over time harms people, rarely the singular event.