Tech Insider
Charlene Lee
Charlene Lee says she used to schedule tasks in 25-minute increments per the Pomodoro technique, but later learned about managing her energy instead of her time.
Tech Insider
Elle Woods from Legally Blond, played by Reese Witherspoon
The hashtag "delulu" has 1.6 billion views on TikTok.
Tech Insider
Sad emoji face with bubble speech with problems
"There are lots of growing pains when you take a new job," Elizabeth Pearson, a career coach, said.
Tech Insider
Deb Liu Ancestry CEO headshot
Deb Liu says that because of her mentors' invaluable wisdom, she was able to navigate her career.
Tech Insider
Deb Liu
Deb Liu became the CEO of Ancestry in 2021, after 11 years at Facebook.
Tech Insider
Woman shopping at a small business
Side hustles are a great way to fulfill a passion or make some extra cash.
Tech Insider
Illustration of speech bubbles protruding from smartphones.
Illustration of speech bubbles protruding from smartphones.