Tech Insider
Xena Stryker headshot
Xena Stryker left corporate America to start her own architecture design and marketing firm.
Tech Insider
upset coworker
Microaggressions are often subtle, so it's often hard to know whether you're committing one or if you're on the receiving end.
Tech Insider
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Tech Insider
Quiet layoffs are underway.
Dee C. Marshall — the CEO of Diverse & Engaged, a DEI consultancy that works with Fortune 500 companies and tech clients — said several recently laid-off professionals in diversity had messaged her for career advice.
Tech Insider
Jamie Dimon, CEO, JPMorgan Chase
JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon and some other corporate leaders are in favor of workers returning to the office. But remote work can benefit people from underrepresented backgrounds.
Tech Insider
the woman king
Many critics expected Viola Davis to secure a nomination for best actress for her performance in "The Woman King."