Tech Insider
Several behaviors can make us tip more by increasing the social rapport between the server and the customer.
Tech Insider
Vinod Kalathil and his wife Margaret Pak, owners of Thattu in Chicago
Vinod Kalathil and his wife Margaret Pak recently opened no-tip restaurant Thattu in Chicago.
Tech Insider
AI serving robot from KT carries foods and drinks during a demonstration at a restaurant in Seoul, South Korea, Tuesday, Sept. 15, 2020.
A serving robot from KT at a restaurant in Seoul, South Korea.
Tech Insider : Travel
Guest Relations Manager Jessica Waddy (left) and the Four Seasons Hotel Downtown New York (right)
Guest Relations Manager Jessica Waddy (left) and the Four Seasons Hotel New York Downtown (right)
Tech Insider
Sarah Chelli placing a teddy bear on a bed in a hotel room at The Langham for a guest, there is a little backpack with a bear already on the bed, and a balloon tied to the bear
Sarah Chelli places a Langham-branded teddy bear on a bed for a guest.
Tech Insider : Technology
A headshot of Google senior account manager Harrison Hill.
Harrison Hill is a New York-based Google strategic partnerships development manager and culinary student.