Tech Insider
A bird looking at a strange birdhouse
In a hot housing market, the social media account 'Zillow Gone Wild' has made unique homes easier to find.
Tech Insider : Economy
A digital mouse/hook pulling a price tag out of someone's pocket
Personalized pricing not only bakes in bias and can drive inflation but creates a world where you never know when your apps are ripping you off.
Tech Insider : Economy
Illustration of parents holding up a bridge for their child.
Parents are financially supporting their adult children well into their 20s. In a tough economy, Mom and Dad are the new safety net.
Tech Insider : Economy, Sports
A lifeguard chair on the beach.
Lifeguard shortages have devastated America's pools and beaches since 2020. It's not clear when the lifeguards will be back.
Tech Insider
A bowl of Chicken soup overflowing into smaller bowls

Editor's note: Chicken Soup for the Soul Entertainment filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy on Friday. This story was first published on March 31.

Tech Insider : Sports, Sports
A computer screen displaying analytics of a football player and a business man
Taking the S2, which measures cognitive capacities like your reaction time and ability to control distractions, feels like a cross between playing Pong and taking an eye exam.
Tech Insider : Economy
Image of a statue thinking and a briefcase.
Americans are increasingly feeling like their jobs are meaningless. It could be why they aren't engaged at work.

American workers are not all right.

Tech Insider : Economy
Fertility clinics are targeting Gen Z — and young women are paying the price.
Fertility clinics are taking to social media to tell young people the earlier they can freeze their eggs, the better. But that's not always the case.
Tech Insider : Economy
old worker worries about his job prospects
Age discrimination undermines Larry Fink's "solution" to the retirement crisis.
Tech Insider
Jow Gow and wife
Joe Gow and Carmen Wilson pursued porn as a hobby. Now they're fighting a battle over academic freedom.