Tech Insider : Economy
A nuclear explosion on a computer screen
The algorithms that undergird our digital lives are increasingly making questionable decisions that enrich the powerful and wreck the lives of average people.
Tech Insider : Economy
Illustration of a family with houses in the back.
The typical American family — a happily married mother and father with two children who live under one roof — has slowly deteriorated over the last 50 years.
Tech Insider : Economy
A shopping cart full of the ingredients needed to start a business
With just an idea, a domain name, and a dream, Gen Z has everything it needs to take over the business marketplace.
Tech Insider : Politics
A collage of Al Schwimmer
Without Al Schwimmer's aid to Israel, there would be no Israeli Air Force — and maybe no Israel.
Tech Insider : Economy
Illustration of a worker stacking bricks.
The recent uptick in worker productivity is great news for companies, consumers worried about inflation, the US economy, and even the stock market
Tech Insider : Economy
Illustration of a person being overwhelmed by the phones.
My ambition helped me get into a great college, start a successful newsletter, and do a fellowship at Oxford. But it came with a cost.

One muggy night in the summer of 2021, I found myself livestreaming a panic attack on Instagram.

Tech Insider : Economy, Politics
A stock line as the neck of an ostrich in the ground
The surveys and polls that help us understand the lived experience of Americans are getting less reliable.

When was the last time you picked up a phone call from an unknown number?

Tech Insider
A loan shark about to eat a hospital

In community after community, the hospitals keep closing. In 2018, it was Northside Regional Medical Center in Youngstown, Ohio.

Tech Insider : Economy, Politics
Three farm water pump windmills. One of the windmills resembles a Communist hammer and sickle symbol.
The backlash in Green Charter represents something seldom seen since the Red Scare: a quasi-militant, homegrown resistance to the perceived threat of communism at home.