Tech Insider
illustration of a boss yelling at a coworker sitting at a desk
In a survey, more CEOs than workers thought their workplaces were toxic.
Tech Insider
Marcia Naomi Berger wearing pearls and a sweater and smiling.
Marcia Naomi Berger is the author of "The Bipolar Therapist: A Journey from Madness to Love and Meaning."
Tech Insider
Dr. Vivek H. Murthy speaks onstage at a mental health summit in New York City, wearing a black coat and holding a microsoft onstage next to a bown of flowers.
Murthy speaking at a mental health summit in 2023.
Tech Insider : Economy
Gen Z and their parent in job interview.
Some Gen Zers are bringing their parents to interviews (stock image.)
Tech Insider
How gentle parenting went bust.
Parents are giving up on gentle parenting after finding that the guidance is confusing or just doesn't work for their kids.

My first exposure to gentle parenting ended in projectile vomiting.

Tech Insider
Illustration of sneakers hanging on a tree with a butterfly.
Rates of depression and anxiety are on the rise. The best way out of my depression was through physical activity.
Tech Insider : Economy
Two folks sleeping on money beds with one fast asleep and the other wide awake
The wealthiest parts of America tend to sleep much better than low-income areas.

Sleep is the great unifier. Everyone needs it to repair cells, store memories, and balance emotions. It also helps us solve complex problems — ever need to just "sleep on it"?