Tech Insider : Economy, Economy
Couple in front of house for sale sign
Many prospective buyers are putting down less than 20% for a home purchase, according to ZIllow.
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Austin, Texas
The average sale price of a home in Austin has jumped nearly $100,000 over the past four years.
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A person entering the beach between two palm trees.
The savings that come from moving to some lower-tax states are dwindling as the cost of living there increases.
Tech Insider : Economy
A street filled with cars in Austin, Texas.
The number of millionaires living in Austin more than doubled over the past decade, per a report by Henley & Partners.
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Ayahna Wilbon sits on her bed in Chicago
A.W. has lived in Chicago, Illinois for nine years. She told Business Insider she regrets not moving to Texas when she had the chance.
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Waymo Castle
Waymo is currently in tests in Austin, Texas — its fourth market.
Tech Insider : Economy
Austin skyline
Some experts predicted Austin's housing market would tank, but "For Sale" signs keep turning to "Sold."