
What is AI art? Well, of all the many, many ways armchair philosophers have come to define art and the act of human expression, AI-generated images don’t have much in relation. There is certainly skill in knowing the correct type of prompt to get the results you want, but there’s no real intent behind an image. If the…



A group of artists suing generative AI companies for allegedly using their copyrighted works are down, but not out, following a recent federal judge’s order.


How can artists hope to fight back against the whims of tech companies wanting to use their work to train AI? One group of researchers has a novel idea: slip a subtle poison into the art itself to kill the AI art generator from the inside out.


Gizmodo : Technology

For months, Getty Images has mumbled its simmering resentment over its photos being used for AI image generators. Now, the stock image site has finally turned up the heat on one of the companies crafting these AI systems.