
The Razer Blade 16, long the north star of gaming laptops emphasizing portability and power, is prettier (and far more expensive) than ever before.


I’m pitting the best gaming laptop against the best productivity laptop and seeing who comes out on top. It’s a real sumo match of the big boys of the laptop world.


Now that the M3 MacBook Airs are out and available in stores and online, it might be time to take a moment and truly consider what you’re getting before you jam down on that “Purchase” button.


Today’s competition could not be more divergent in the battle of the everything laptop.


Have a dirty Mac or MacBook screen? You’re not the only one. Those who like to slurp soup in front of their screen might have an issue when wayward slop stains their precious screen. Don’t be afraid; we have the (rather obvious) best practices for making your screen as shiny and chrome as the day you bought it.


If you already hated the Dell XPS 14 from the first glimpse of it back at CES this year, then there’s nothing I or anybody can say that would probably change your mind. You can judge by its cover all you want; the sleek and spartan 2024 XPS, whether 13, 14, or 16 inches, is a different kind of laptop than you’re…


So you need a budget laptop? Good, because nowadays you can find a perfectly serviceable or downright solid laptop that will cost you a relative pittance considering the gross prices of other, top-of-the-line machines.

Tech Insider
Hands typing on a Macbook keyboard
It's the first time you can buy a Mac directly from Walmart.

If I had to think of the tech I’ve used most often in my day-to-day, I wouldn’t usually consider my phone first. If I ruminate long and hard enough, considering the number of person-hours that go into my work, I would consider my 13-inch M1-powered MacBook Air as my go-to device, like my oft-beleaguered, put-upon…



This week, we got our hands on the new 13- and 15-inch Macbook Air, which takes advantage of Apple’s fancy M3 silicon.